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The RRR Team

Our Name


Race, Religion, and Romance


We interview South Asian Muslim, White, and Black Canadians to learn how people think about interracial and interfaith dating and marriage, and what that means about migration, globalization, and identity.


We are funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Connaught New Researcher Award at the University of Toronto.

Tahseen Shams

Principal Investigator 

Dr. Tahseen Shams

Tahseen is Assistant Professor of Sociology at University of Toronto. She studies international migration, race/ ethnicity, and religion with a focus on South Asian Muslim immigrants in North America.

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Graduate Research Assistant 

Maleeha Iqbal

Maleeha is a first-year sociology PhD student at University of Toronto and a SSHRC doctoral fellow. She specializes in race/ethnicity, international migration, Islamophobia, and qualitative methods.

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Graduate Research Assistant

Daniela Ugarte Villalobos

Daniela is a PhD sociology student at University of Toronto. She got her master's degree in Sociology at the University at Albany, New York (SUNY). She did her undergraduate studies in Peru, her home country. Her research interests focus on qualitative methods, international migration, gender, family, and care. 


    Undergraduate Research Assistant

    Rayhan Jabbar

    Rayhan is a fourth-year English and Sociology major at University of Toronto, St. George.

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    Undergraduate Research Assistant

    Erica Roth

    Erica is a fourth-year Honors Sociology major at University of Toronto, St. George. 


      Undergraduate Research Assistant

      Janvi Pathak

      Janvi is a fourth-year Criminology and Sociology major at University of Toronto, St. George.  

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      Graduate Research Assistant

      Md. Saidur Rahman

      Saidur is a PhD candidate in Kinesiology/ Exercise Science focusing on Physical Cultural Studies at University of Toronto. Prior to coming to UofT for his PhD, he received his Master's degree in Public Affairs with special focus on Policy Analysis and International Development from Indiana University Bloomington as a Fullbright Scholar.

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      Undergraduate Research Assistant

      Gianluca Mandarino

      Gianluca is a fourth-year Sociology and Philosophy major at University of Toronto, St. George.  

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      Undergraduate Research Assistant

      Eloya Williams

      Eloya is a fourth-year PhD sociology major at University of Toronto, St. George.

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      Undergraduate Research Assistant

      Ahad Bhagat

      Ahad is a fourth-year sociology and psychology major at University of Toronto, St. George. 


        Undergraduate Research Assistant

        Aynur Shaikh

        Aynur earned her Bachelor's degree in Sociology, and Criminology and Sociolegal Studies from University of Toronto, St. George in 2022. 

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